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Internet Inventor Publishes Brief for Denied Certiorari

Inventor publishes Brief of Petition for Certiorari , denied by the Supreme Court in November 2013

See Brief below in 3 parts in downloadable PDFs . Appendix was removed and sensitive information blotted out for Privacy . This Brief is from another petition filed by the Inventor in the fall of 2013 regarding her alleged claims to the Internet . Inventor hopes that she does not have a fool for an attorney as she had no choice except to represent herself Pro Se . Not that she did not seek to hire an attorney . She did so for many years and probably went through hundreds of emails . However most people including attorneys do not even understand the Internet – therefore could hardly believe that an African American could be responsible for the creative ideas that transformed the telecom structure . The law should apply even if one represents oneself Pro Se which is allowable under the law .

Copy of Hartman Petition for Writ of Certiorari

Copy2 Petition for Writ of Certiorari

Copy3 Petition for Writ of Certiorari

The Inventor who alleges claims to the Internet has had her home vandalized and in an illegal mortgage foreclosure. Her good name and reputation have been trashed . She has been severely persecuted and civil and constitutional rights violated . However she was denied a trial by jury in a federal court in Philadelphia and denied the opportunity to face the perpetrators in a Court of Law . She filed a Petition for Certiorari , Case 13-10187 with the Supreme Court in May 2014 to overturn the rulings by the Judge as trials by jury are supposed to be sacrosanct to justice and an inviolate constitutional right . The Petition for Certiorari was denied by the Supreme Court today , November 17 , 2014 without comment .

The Inventor has suffered the loss of a 705 credit rating , denied refinancing when she was paying 2 mortgages by automatic debit from her bank account and is now in danger of losing her home – so far without accountability by anyone . In addition to these losses, the Inventor has already suffered substantial damages regarding her intellectual property . She alleges because her proprietary information and intellectual property has essentially been ripped off by the patent office in favor of corporations . http://marketersmedia.com/the-internet-is-an-enormous-invention-inventor-claims-damages/20899

The Brief referenced above was filed with the Supreme Court last fall in opposition to the rulings by the Appellate Court for the Federal Circuit in support of the ruling by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences to deny a patent . Internet 2 is the modern day internet now being used by billions of people . The ideas to open telecom to ordinary consumers and to place and broker transactions for information , goods , and services are those of Hartman . Users of the Internet do not use the Telenet , Downet , Bitnet , and other minor nets that were adjunct to the Arpanet – the structure of the previous Internet or Internet 1.

Technology may have built the Internet , commissioned and paid for by the Federal Government but it was Hartman’s ideas that created it . Thus far the Inventor has not seen any justice but has been continually let down . Her age and reclusion have kept her from garnering support but facts and evidence should count for something .

“It appears that laws were made to be broken or not given any consequence when it come to the rights of African Americans “, says the Inventor who for the past 25 years has struggled for the recognition and compensation due her- her patent application withheld for 8 of those years . “Of course I will think positively and hope that the Supreme Court will grant my Petition for Mandamus, Case No. 13-10188 also filed in May 2014 regarding the United States Patent and Trademark Office which I believe that evidence will show is in gross violations of my rights but it did deny the Writ of Certiorari referenced above “.

” However I am hopeful that whatever, if anything is missing from the Petition for the Writ of Certiorari that it will be covered in the Petition for the Writ of Mandamus which is now before the Court . The Writ of Mandamus is an Extraordinary Writ for extraordinary circumstances . This is certainly an extraordinary situation where a female minority is claiming to be the inventor of the most prolific invention of the 20th Century . Facts and evidence bear that out . The Patent Office is a public office and is subject to the same laws . The public has a right to know . I am at least due honorary mention . I am a human being after all – although apparently not recognized by my own government – which has empowered and enriched itself from my invention(s).” Read more here http://www.smartphoneselectronicsaccessories.com

The situation in Ferguson is indicative of what is happening in the Country as whatever advancements were made in Civil Rights are now being pushed backwards . Black life is held so cheaply in all aspects . They apparently are not too good to commit fraud , lies , theft , and other heinous crimes against Blacks.

Real criminals can apparently take property from African- Americans without due process and not be held accountable . No matter how valuable the property be it real , personal , intellectual or whatever – a black woman is not supposed to be paid the millions , perhaps billions of dollars owed to her . There is something terribly wrong with the justice system in this country . It time to be rid of the double standard .

About diana4500@comcast.net

maintain ABFY JEWELERS websites and blog on the internet .


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